My Garden

My Garden
Guess where I'd rather be

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Congratulations, Gran.

You got there in the end.

I knew you could do it.

Love ya


Friday, December 14, 2007

Thing 23

Well, where to start. For those who love to be staring at their computer screen and feel the need to be wired 24/7, Web 2.0 certainly has plenty of scope for virtual exploration and the sharing of ideas and expertise.

Wikis are wonderful, but I could live without UTube and Facebook and Second Life (I am too busy living my First Life).

Web 2.0 is great for virtually exploring worlds that you would never be able to access in any other way, but there is a very real possibility of spending so much time in cyberspace that you don't have any time for real relationships.

You're a long time dead!!


E-books will interest me when I am housebound and unable to access real books in the flesh. They are a great way to experience old and precious editions too.

The idea of them self-destructing when the due date is up appeals to me. No more chasing of tardy borrowers necessary and of course no more waiting in the queue for a popular item.

The future is now!! I must add an MP3 player to my Christmas wish list.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thing 21 - Podcasts

Are you one of those who religiously records programs you don't have time to watch when they are actually being broadcast?

Do you have a kazillion episodes of whatever that you are going to watch when you get around to it? Do you feel duty-bound to actually read the mountain of garbage which hits your email inbox every day. Well you will love podcasts.

Most of them you have to pay for but some actually come free. You can listen to them while you take your morning powerwalk and you won't hear the big truck that hits you.

You'll be a well -informed but very flat hamburger pattie on the road or someone's bumper.

Save your sanity and your life. Listen to the birds or talk to your fellow walkers.

Podcasts, who needs them!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hi All

This granny has better things to do than watch Youtube or upload anything onto it.

I am using up my extremely valuable annual leave to try to finish this and no-can-wait for dial-up to load - not even the delicious Johnny Depp. Tried Conan the librarian too. Not impressed.

Would like to add these to my blog? No!!!!!

Will try to add a short video of my favourite, well the only grandson.

Much more satisfying.

Here it is. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thing 19

Checked out Wet Paint as I am interested in wikis.

It seems easy to use, but being a lurker I didn't start a new wiki I just searched for wikie I thought might be interesting. Knitting was full of US teen girls who were knitting scarves or patchwork squares. Not quite what I was hoping for. Searching for junior book clubs for some reason, probably lack of quotation marks, netted heaps of junior soccer clubs. A more general search for Book Clubs brought more interesting results. I really hit pay dirt with my search for Storytime. Lots of wikis with rhymes and book lists.

Kids might be interested in starting a wiki for a library based junior book club. It would add another dimension to the experience and they could check out other junior book club wikis (they must be out there and see what similar groups are doing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007



This is my chance to even up the pics on my blog to include those little darlings who, so far, have not been included.

My future care may depend upon it.
Unfortunately I don't have all the grandchildren on my memory stick.
Have a nice day cool

  • This is James (with his dad)

Playing around with PBWiki

Tried to add my blog to the Favorite Blogs page but I'm not sure whether or not it worked. I'll have to check later.

Wikis are Wonderful

Just when you had me tagged as a grumpy old dinosaur, I throw you by showing enthusiasm for something. Wikis are wonderful. Sure they are open to abuse and the information is not bulletproof, but it is immediate, egalitarian, self-regulating and co-operative. What more could you want?

Libraries should allow readers to insert reviews on their public access catalogues. (I just heard a loud scream from cataloguers). I personally would find a list of reliable local tradespeople very handy, but this could be abused by rival tradies putting in negative comments about commercial competitors. What about wikis for readers particular genres? DIY readers' adviser.

Let's hear it for wikis!!!! Yes!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Librarian 2.0 controls technolust

This librarian does not buy technology for the sake of technology. “Techno-worship” does not exist here. Without a firm foundation in the mission and goals of the institution, new technologies are not implemented for the sake of coolness and status. Technology is put to the test: Does it meet the users need in a new or improved way? Does it create a useful service for putting users together with the information and experience they seek? These are some of the questions this librarian asks when planning for technology. This librarian creates and nurtures a living, breathing technology plan.

There is a God. Not everyone has lost the plot!!!

"Techno-worship". What a great word. It's alive and well and coming to a library near you.

Week 6: Tagging, Folksonomies & Technoratil

Peeked at this and was not impressed. Where do people find the time for all this cyber-networking?

My Rollyo

Have managed to create a Rollyo. Not sure why this is better than just having these sites in my favourites. I guess it just allows you to search them simultaneously.

Hmmmm. (Sigh of a sceptic)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online

I have listed some of my favourite children's books and reviewed them for you.

Some of them are very well known. All are well-loved and well worth tracking down to share with the children in your life.

For those who can't click, here's a pic.

Play Week

You would have to be joking!! Or perhaps you meant Pay Week? Now that would have my full attention.

I did have fun creating this magazine cover though. Isn't she cute.

Another one of Gran's girls

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

RSS and Newsfeeds

I am now the proud owner of a Blogline account. Anything to save time and have something interesting and hopefully useful delivered to my PC without me having to lift a finger.

I wonder does anyone offer a similar service supplying meals and freshly laundered clothes. Now that would be a real winner.

Blog about Technology

I love the internet. I am a Google Granny. I use it constantly at work for word definitions (much quicker than a dictionary), images (a cake decorator needed a picture of a chimp showing his teeth - we could have looked forever before we found one in a book), song lyrics, information on endangered animals, telephone numbers (we have discarded our collection of telephone books) and other obscure information.

I use it at home to pursue my hobbies - real estate browsing, family history, knitting, music and recipes. An email account is a mixed blessing. Lots of spam and ads that I could live without and if you are one of those people who email an urgent message when you could have phoned - "a pox on all your houses".

I love the fact that my kids will email me jokes, pics of my grandchildren and keep in touch when they are overseas. They wouldn't dream of using snail mail.

This is a photo of my great-grandparents who came to Australia in 1857. I plan to publish my family history soon using scanned photos and copies of historical documents. Word processing will make it so much easier.

Is anyone out there able to recommend a scanner? I need to buy one soon.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Solitary Snowy

May I introduce, by popular demand, Snowy. He's a real challenge to the red-eye reduction, but he is a very handsome fellow.

Unfortunately he doesn't have a girlfriend, otherwise we would probably be inundated with an avalanche of little snowflakes in no time.
Spoilsports aren't we!!

My Granny Card

I know you'll be impressed with this.
I was.
If I ever grow fed up with my present job, this card could come in handy.
Would you hire me?

I hope my other four grandchildren don't see this blog.
They will be demanding equal time.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Rigz - Take 2

For all of you who are tired of seeing my grandchildren. Here's a photo of my (son's) dog. He was supposed to be a purebred border collie but I think his ex-girlfriend was robbed.
Although he lives on the farm he is just a pet. Just like me really.
He may not be pretty, but he's pretty big.
Again, just like me.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Another late night

It's now 12.20am and I'm waiting for a pic. of Rigz to load. It's torture!! I am about to spit the dummy again. Two more hours and all I've managed to do is load 2 pics. This is so not worth it.

Tomorrow night I'll check out a few other local blogs and add some lists to mine.

Please do my survey. That didn't take long to set up and the results should be revealing.

You are probably all so busy blogging that you don't have time to read other people's blogs but here's hoping. The few I have peeked into are all very different and will no doubt give me an insight into your individual quirks.

You probably thought I was calm and unflappable - peace-loving even.

You were wrong.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Seriously Sleep Deprived

I've changed my template. Did you notice? I tried to load another jpg file. I could have (but I didn't) vacuumed the house while it was loading. I cancelled after 15 minutes. There must be a quicker way!!! I'm beginning to sympathise with Michelangelo and this blog is nowhere near as impressive as the Cistene chapel ceiling. I've just tried again and squandered another 15 minutes of my day. Still no joy. I'll try putting it onto my memory stick and downloading it at work. Flickr is no quicker. I've been on the Internet for 45 minutes in this session, but who's counting? Tick - tick - tick - tick -tick ... ... ... ... ... zzz zzz zzz zzz ... ... ... ... ...

I used to have a life, now a have a blog.

More of my life down the gurgler

Doing this at home has serious drawbacks. I'm on dial-up and everything takes soooooo loooooong toooooooo loooooooad!!!!! Fifteen minutes a day - you would have to be kidding. I'm on here for a couple of hours at least as I faithfully follow links to achieve what I would normally do with a couple of mouse clicks.

I have only loaded one photo onto flickr as it took forever. Made myself a Gorgeous Granny card which I have printed and made a Dummies book cover to express my outrage over spending so much time for so little reward. I was going to glam up my header with some glitter before I realised that my credit card would need to be involved. I would rather spend my bucks on sparklies I can wear.

Must have all these new passwords tattooed on my arm so that I won't forget them.

Despite what the automatic time says, this post is being done at 12.35am. As the name of my blog suggests I do my best work after dark.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

To Blog or not to Blog

Apologies to Shakespeare!!

A blog is like a diary. Would you publish your diary on the Internet? Only the uninteresting parts, I'll bet.

Who reads blogs? Those with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do.

Would you read the uninteresting bits someone else's diary?

Obviously! You're reading this.