My Garden

My Garden
Guess where I'd rather be

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thing 19

Checked out Wet Paint as I am interested in wikis.

It seems easy to use, but being a lurker I didn't start a new wiki I just searched for wikie I thought might be interesting. Knitting was full of US teen girls who were knitting scarves or patchwork squares. Not quite what I was hoping for. Searching for junior book clubs for some reason, probably lack of quotation marks, netted heaps of junior soccer clubs. A more general search for Book Clubs brought more interesting results. I really hit pay dirt with my search for Storytime. Lots of wikis with rhymes and book lists.

Kids might be interested in starting a wiki for a library based junior book club. It would add another dimension to the experience and they could check out other junior book club wikis (they must be out there and see what similar groups are doing.

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